Claudia Meury

[Translate to English:] Claudia Meury

About us

Claudia Meury

Organizational developer
Transformation coach

I love to inspire. Inspire to find your own ideas, to adopt new perspectives, to take unfamiliar paths. And to be positively surprised from time to time. I am convinced that a collaborative leadership culture helps all employees to take responsibility - and to do so willingly.

I think about tomorrow today. And the day after tomorrow. Strategies should have a long-term effect; adjustments should be sustainable. To achieve this, I focus on people: Only when mind, body and heart are in harmony will the best possible results be achieved.

«When we are really honest with ourselves, we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So, it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of person we are.»
Cesar Chavez
[Translate to English:] Claudia Meury


  • Systemic management consulting
  • Organizational & personnel development
  • Team development, supervision & conflict management
  • Coaching management teams & individuals
  • Developing vision, mission & purpose
  • Developing & advising self-organized teams
  • Transformation coaching, adult development & embodiment


  • Leadership- /Team Coaching
  • Transformational Coaching
  • Growth Edge Coaching
  • MAS Change and Organisational Dynamic
  • CAS Systemic Coaching
  • MAS Biologie, Universität Basel


Claudia Meury

Organizational developer
Transformation coach

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