How relaxed and effective team decision-making can be

How relaxed and effective team decision-making can be

As a manager, are you familiar with endless meetings and long discussions until the team reaches a joint decision? You think you have understood each other and yet it doesn't take long before the team has the same discussion on the table again. And there is an easier way.

Giving consent means, having no serious and well-founded objections to the common goal.
The moderator has an important role to play here, as they ensure that the opinions of all participants in the series are taken up.


Sociocratic circular organization is a supportive method that enables people to participate in organizations, teams, or projects, contribute their skills productively, take responsibility and thus contribute better to achieving goals together.

A first step on the path to self-organization is the need to learn to deal with the degrees of freedom and this requires structure. I was able to experience such a structure, the making of decisions by consensus, myself - and many times since then, as a participant, as a facilitator and partner of pasos. We also organize ourselves sociocratically and experience this development ourselves.

I am always impressed by how relaxed a meeting can feel, even though, or especially, when it comes to "hot" topics such as money, budgets, or responsibilities. The meetings are shorter, decisions are made transparently and are supported by everyone.

And what I find even more fascinating, especially now that there is a lot of talk about psychological safety, is how quickly I felt connected and familiar with strangers. I was able to voice my suggestions and concerns transparently, felt heard and had a say. In the end, we came to a decision that I could stand behind.

What experience have you had with consent decision-making?

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